Blog Archive

Jun 20, 2014

Water changes on the 125s and 75

Like most fish keepers, I hate water changes. They're a lot of work and always seem harder than they should be. Usually though it's my impatience that is mostly to blame. If I take my time and use my Hydor 115v water pump, it makes things a lot easier.

I simply place the pump in my larger tanks and run the tube directly to the basement drain. Here is a video of how it works.

It's still messy as a little bit of water inevitably leaks out on the floor, but it beats bailing water out with my 5 gallon buckets. Once I drain about 20-40 gallons, I refill the tanks with a hose that connects to a water faucet in our basement. I try to do this at least once a week.

I'll do another post later on water changes for my smaller tanks.

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