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May 19, 2014

Appreciating tetras

Tetras might not be the most exciting fish to talk about, but there is no doubt a school of them looks pretty cool (even when most photos I take of them turn out to be a blur of colors). Dither fish have never really been my thing, but now that I'm keeping calmer fish like Geophagus and Gymnogeophagus, I definitely appreciate their place in the tank. The Buenos Aires Tetras pictured above are great for a Gymnogeophagus tank because they come from the same region in South America and can handle cooler temps with them in the winter.

This video makes it a little easier to see and follow them. I only have five in this tank at the moment, but I think ten would look even better. These tetras won't get that big.

Pristella tetras are another form of tetra that I keep. They're smaller and at first glance they don't look all that eye grabbing, but get a group of them swimming together and those flashy dorsal fins can be quite entertaining to watch.

If you're looking for some dither fish with some nice color that school and are pretty easy to keep - and that come in a large variety of colors and sizes - don't overlook tetras.

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