Blog Archive

May 16, 2014

Thorichthys Pasionis

Thorichthys Pasionis, also known as the Yellow Firemouth, are a really fun cichlid to keep. I've had my pair for about three years now and they've proven to be quite durable and entertaining to watch in a community tank. (This is the male pictured above)

From what I understand, they are the largest of the Thorichthys, although mine aren't that big really (six inch range). They also are known for being more peaceful than others in the genus. I think their behavior though is what makes them so interesting.

They aren't the type to beat up on other fish, but I wouldn't say they're timid. My pair are in a 125 with three female Rotkeils that are larger, a Polleni pair about the same size, a female Festae and Geo Brasiliensis, and they pretty much run the tank. They seem to police their tank mates as well, as they will stop other fish from chasing smaller fish, thus maintaining their dominance.

A pic of the female.

And another shot of the male as he shows off his colors.

Here is a short video of the two. It starts with the female then I move over to the male for the second half of the video. If I get a chance to grab some footage of them policing their tank mates, I'll be sure to post it.

I do keep a close eye on the aggression in this tank and have room elsewhere to move the Thorichthys, if needed. It's always nice to have extra tank space. You never know when you'll need it. That said, this tank really does quite well. I'd really like to get the Festae and Polleni their own tanks, but that will have to wait for now.

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